J Korean Neurol Assoc > Volume 17(6); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 1999;17(6): 823-828.
명확한 다발성 경화증의 임상 양상 및 진단적 검사 소견
조용진, 전범석 ·김영훈*·장기현*
서울대학교 의과대학 신경과학교실,방사선과학교실*
Clinical Features and Outcomes from Diagnostic Work-up in Definite Multiple Sclerosis
Yong-Jin Cho, M.D., Beom-S. Jeon, M.D., Young-Hun Kim, M.D.*, Kee-Hyun Chang, M.D.*
Department of Neurology and Radiology*, College of Medicine, Seoul National University
Background : To observe the clinical features and the outcomes from diagnostic work-up in definite multiple sclero-sis (MS) which was diagnosed by using a Poser’s criteria. Methods : We retrospectively evaluated 43 cases who were diagnosed as multiple sclerosis in Seoul National University Hospital by using Poser’s criteria from January 1st, 1991 to December 30th , 1995. Among the 43 cases, 35 patients were classified to definite MS group, clinically or laboratory supported. We analyzed age, sex, initial symptom, age of onset, duration between initial symptom and definite MS diagnosis, total numbers of recurrence and symptoms, CSF profile, evoked potential study, follow-up duration and the MRI findings of the definite MS patients. Results : Of 35 cases who were diagnosed as definite MS, 15 patients were male and 20 patients were female. The mean age of onset was 34.6 years, the mean duration between initial symptom onset and diagnosis of definite MS was 16.9 months, and the mean follow-up duration was 34.8 months. The most common site of initial involvement was spinal cord (24 cases), and then optic nerve (5 cases), brain stem (4 cases), and cerebrum (2 cases) were followed. Thoracic spinal cord (24 lesions) was more frequently involved than cervical cord (18 lesions). Moreover 32 cases (91.4%) had at least one time of spinal cord involvement and there is a tendency that the proportion of double spinal cord lesion is increasing with the number of spinal cord recurrence. C o n c l u s I o n s : Spinal cord involvement in multiple sclerosis is the most common symptom and double spinal cord involvement in MRI is frequently observed. We think that it would be the characteristics of the multiple sclerosis in Korea. J Korean Neurol Assoc 17(6):823~828, 1999 Key Words : Multiple sclerosis, Clinical, MRI, Spinal cord

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