J Korean Neurol Assoc > Volume 17(5); 1999 > Article
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 1999;17(5): 747-751.
흉부 위국소화 감각 수준으로 발현된 경부 추간판 탈출증
이보람, 조동신 ·윤신구 ·조상걸 ·안무영 ·성기범
순천향대학교 의과대학 신경과학교실
The Cervical Herniated Intervertebral Disc Presenting with False Localizing Thoracic Sensory Levels
Bo-Ram Lee, M.D., Dong-Sin Cho, M.D., Shin-Koo Yoon, M.D., Sang-Gull Cho, M.D., Moo-Young Ahn, M.D., Ki-Bum Sung, M.D.
Department of Neurology, College of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University
Symptoms of compressive cervical myelopathy classically include spasticity and weakness, predominantly involving the lower extremities. Sensory abnormalities are reportedly common in the upper extremities, but are often vague or misleading. The sensory findings are usually localized 2-3 spinal segments below the actual spinal cord compression. In our current series, 3 patients presented with progressive symptoms of weakness and hyperreflexia involving the lower extremities without upper extremity symptoms and with a distant thoracic sensory level ranging from T10 to T12. All 3 patients were eventually found to have a cervical herniated intervertebral disc. The direct physical effects of compression and vascular compromise in the central cervical cord compression may be responsible for the reported abnormality at a distinct thoracic sensory level. Failure to diagnose cervical myelopathy because of the presence of a thoracic sensory level can delay appropriate treatment or lead to incorrect therapy. J Kor Neurol Ass 17(5):747~751, 1999 Key Words : Compressive myelopathy, Cervical herniated intervertebral disc, Thoracic sensory level, False localizing signs
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