J Korean Neurol Assoc > Volume 16(5); 1998 > Article
Journal of the Korean Neurological Association 1998;16(5): 714-717.
뇌동맥류를 진단하는데 침습적 뇌혈관 조영술이 자기공명혈관조영술보다 언제나 더 유리한가? - 증례보고
사은희, 김대성ㆍ정대수ㆍ박규현ㆍ배지호*ㆍ김학진**
부산대학교병원 신경과ㆍ대동병원 신경과*ㆍ부산대학교병원 진단방사선과**
Is Conventional Angiography Always Superior to MR Angiography in Evaluatin of Cerebral Aneurysm?
Eun-Hi Sa, M.D., Dae-Seong Kim, M.D., Dae-Su Jung, M.D., Kyu-Hyun Park, M.D., Ji-Ho Bae, M.D.*, Hak-Jin Kim, M.D.**
Department of Neurology Pusan National University Hospital, Department of Neurology Dae-Dong Hospital*, Department of Radiology Pusan National University Hospital**
Conventional angiography still remains the procedure of choice in evaluation of cerebral aneurysm. However, MRI and MR angiography can play different roles in vizualizing cerebral aneurysm. A 43-year-old male was evaluated for recurrent seizure attacks. The brain MRI showed non-enhancing iso-signal mass on T1WI, signal voiding mass with stalk-like structure on coronal T2WI in the right temporal region. MRA also revealed dark round signal. However, the conventional cerebral angiography failed to visualize it. Finally, the mass was confirmed as a huge aneurysm filled with intraluminal thrombus on operation. It should seem that contrast media could not fill the aneurysmal sac because of intraluminal thrombus in conventional angiography. But aneurysmal sac seemed to be visible on MRA as paramagnetic artifact of thrombus. So, it can be assumed that MRA is superior to the conventional angiography in some cases of cerebral aneurysm, especially when it is associated with intraluminal thrombus. Key word: cerebral aneurysm, conventional angiography, MR angiography

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