Korean Journal of Sport Science



Case Reports Coexistence of Posterior Cortical Atrophy and Parkinson’s Disease
Eun-Byul Ko, Il-Joong Hwang, Jung-Woo Kim, Dar-Eun Jung, Ju-Suk Lee, Sang-Won Yoo, Joong-Seok Kim
J Korean Neurol Assoc. 2023;41(3):216-219.
Acute Meningitis Caused by Anaplasma phagocytophilum
Myung Ah Lee, Ko Eun Choi, Chong Hwee Lee, Young Je Heo, Joong-Seok Kim, Sung Chul Lim
J Korean Neurol Assoc. 2020;38(4):289-292.
Transient Global Amnesia Developed after Zolpidem Intake
Jean Hee Kim, Yooha Hwang, Byung-Seok Kim, Joong-Seok Kim
J Korean Neurol Assoc. 2018;36(3):226-230.
Review Articles Gastrointestinal Dysfunctions in Parkinson’s Disease
Joong-Seok Kim, Hey Young Sung
J Korean Neurol Assoc. 2015;33(4):247-251.
Brief Communications Ischemic Stroke Associated with Orthostasis in an Advanced Parkinson’s Disease Patient with Orthostatic Hypotension
Hyun Ah Choi, Hyun Jo Lee, Seung-Hee Na, Hyung-Eun Park, Joong-Seok Kim
J Korean Neurol Assoc. 2015;33(1):48-50.

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